
So many things to tell. I've been living in a sort of dream, just going through the days and taking in all the beautiful things that surround me. So many projects. So many stories.

I've been working on a series of illustration for a story a friend of mine wrote. I'll visit her soon in Toronto so we can put it all together and make a little zine out of it (Also: see the new Harry Potter movie. Yeah!). This is a big deal for me, as I had never illustrated something before. It took me way to long to figure it out properly, and to do it in a way that I like, but I expect next time will be easier. It's a huge confidence boost for me to realize I can do that.

I also took a lot of pictures. I've been totally enthralled by the nature around me. The lush greens and the dragonflies have enchanted me, so much so I almost forgot to commit it to memory and on film. But one day, I took my camera out and set out to take a few shots. It does not convey adequately the beauty of it, but it's a start. you can see all of them on my Flickr.

I've made a new tumblr called A Witch's Spell. It's full of slightly dark, magical, witchy.
I am very happy about it, and it represents lots of things that inspire me right now: The night, stars, the universe, magic spells, fog, dark horses, candles, crystals, bones and feathers, bats, drumbeats, shadows, etc.
take a look if you want!

I've also made two new 8tracks mixes.

In a Treehouse of Our Own
10 songs by: First Aid Kit, Ane brun, Agnes Obel, johnny flynn & Laura Marling, Smoke Fairies, Mountain Man, Camera Obscura, Lia Ices, Alela Diane, and Blue Roses.

Wild Magic
11 songs by: Cilla Jane, Austra, Fever Ray, My Brightest Diamond, Vashti Bunyan, Sea of Bees, Tasseomancy, Warpaint, Bat for Lashes, Lykke Li, and Oh Land

More inspiring things: lost nests, feathers, birds, cricket songs, windy days, cold ice tea, strawberries, thunderstorms, riding in cars with windows opened, sleeping late, fresh mowed grass, eating outside, ice cream, rivers and lakes, reading books, daydreaming.

I've been unable to write for the longest time, but I think I'm finally getting through this writing block of mine, and shall return soon, possibly, with some words which hopefully will not make me ashamed of having written them.
Until then, dear ones xxx


    1. you have an incredibly lovely life, sigh. x

    2. This is gorgeous. What a way to spend summer!

    3. looks like you have been very busy, nice work on the illustrating :) and those flower pictures are lovely!

    4. Oh I'm so glad you've been having a productive and inspiring time! Those photos are beautiful, what a wonderful place to spend your summer.

      I've been wanting to try making a zine lately so it was nice getting a little peek at your illustrations in progress! ♥

    5. i love everything you do, each part of this feels so right and pretty and i can't wait for your lil book :)
      also the witching tumblr is perfect perfect, i've been very into all of those things for so long so i really appreciate your creation
      have fun in toronto too (very jealous)

    6. Beware the writers block, I just went through one myself and now its the opposite. Its as if words have taken over entirely and I am a slave to them, Im writing always, even during late nights the words wake me trying to make up for lost time. Your tumblr is perfect, it reminds me of Sleepy Hollow and I adore it! You are such a talented artist, Im sure your zine will be amazing! How I long for the countryside, you are a lucky girl, I must visit it soon with books and picnic basket in hand. Lovely!

      xx and hugs


    7. Wow! You have a really nice work space, and I really enjoy how the illustrations are coming out.

      I like this post above others because of how much content it includes. To be fair, I'm new to End of March!

      Good luck!

    8. Your blog is such a magical place to be happily in. I love getting lost here. You are a very inspiring, and blessed hearted girl. You have won a new follower, honey. It's lovely to have found your blog.
      Take care and I hope to talk with you soon.

      Kisses xxx


    9. congratulations, you're so creative person and it is so amazing that you have a chance to do something like this!

      But I hope you'll have some time to write about it.
      Your style is incredible.. I've just found your blog and I dont have words - my english isnt perfect so I dont understand everything but I can see that you write every post in very unique way and you show so many emotions.
      I love translating your notes because they're so intressting.
      I'm so happy that I found your blog.

      I'm your new follower.


    10. lovely! there is nothing more invigorating in life than inspiration and creativity. everything you create is beauty and magic. your new tumblr is incredibly beautiful. i shall be listening to your music mixes very soon; you always pick the best music. all my love, xxx

    11. wow, this sounds so exciting! i am so happy for you. enjoy every moment.
      i get a little carried away in the nature sometimes too, it's beautiful.
      my friend has an obsession with sky! skyographer we call her.

      beautiful photographs.

    12. love that first photograph of your drawing table! I like those letraset markers as well really good.
